Posted on June 6, 2010
After a lengthy render I’ve added the dual and triple-screen versions of “Shanshui” to the gallery this morning. I hope you enjoy them!
I’m also working on a new project but it has taken a bit longer than normal because I’ve had to start using Terragen for it rather than my old standby Vue d’Esprit. As always I am learning as I go. Stay tuned!
Posted on June 6, 2010
Posted on June 6, 2010
I’ve added my latest render, “Shanshui” for Members this morning. It isn’t entirely perfect and there are a few things that I would like to tweak, but seeing as the render took four days I thought it looked good enough to share.
“Shan Shui” is a Chinese word (translation: “mountain-water”) which describes a style of landscape painting which originated in the 5th century. I’ve always loved these ethereal paintings and this wallpaper is my homage to the genre.
Posted on June 6, 2010
My next render is hours away from being finished and I’m hoping it looks good enough to post.
In the meantime I thought I would share with you all the winners of my recent DB Membership Giveaway. DB Member Walo was kind enough to donate 6 1 year Membership gift certificates (and had the original idea for the giveaway) and I added a Lifetime Membership as a cherry on top.
There were nearly 200 entries and it was very hard narrowing them down to just 7. The six 1 year winners (with links to their winning posts) are Fiona Williams, Lydia Koh, Damon Seymour, Vincent Sementelli, Anna Bates, and April Hahnfeldt.
The Lifetime Membership went to Ronald Fisher, a 3rd grade teacher who wrote simply:
For a number of reasons I was very moved to read this. I’m not ashamed to say I got a bit misty even.
Last night DB Member “Firestar” wrote me and said he would donate three 90-day Memberships to be given out as “Honorable Mentions”. They are going to Karin Kramer (lol), Josh Mauthe, and Carla Rothacker.
A big thanks to Walo and Firestar for donating the gift certificates and welcome new Members. I hope you enjoy my gallery and I look forward to conversing with you about my new artwork!
Posted on June 6, 2010
Well, well. The DB Facebook page so far has nearly 150 entries for the Membership Giveaway. Today is the last day to post your story (details here) and I will be picking the winners tomorrow.
A common refrain I am hearing is that times are tough and artwork doesn’t always make it into the budget (even though I offer education/military discounts). To those of you who are interested in supporting Digital Blasphemy but don’t have the funds at the moment please have a look at this page which details another way to get my work for free.
Thanks again to everyone who has supported my work this far and big thanks to Walo again for donating the gift-certificates!
Stay tuned for a new render hopfully this week (hurry up computer…).