Posted on May 5, 2010
Jessie and I will be at Northwestern University this Thursday for their “Engineering & Science Art Fair“. I will speaking to about 300 grad students about the nexus of science and art that is “Digital Blasphemy”. What do you think? Is artwork diminished if it isn’t scientifically accurate? Can art serve a scientific end? Art is in the eye of the beholder while science is universal. What happens when they overlap?
These are some of the subjects I will be talking about Thursday and I’d love to hear your thoughts. I am really looking forward to seeing all of the artwork on display and I’ll be sure to snap lots of pics.
I hope to have my new project up before I head up there. It’s a space theme that should spark some interesting discussion on this topic.
Posted on May 5, 2010
One thing I hear often from my Members is how they enjoy turning others onto my work. I don’t advertise my work (who isn’t running an ad blocker these days?) so I rely on word-of-mouth. Up until now I could only say “thanks!” but from now on I will offer something more substantial.
Refer a friend or family Member to DB and when they give your username or email address in the signup form I will credit 3 months to your account. If you are a lifetime Member I will credit the 3 months randomly a la my “Pay-it-Forward” program.
Thanks and be on the lookout for a new space scene this week!
Posted on May 5, 2010
Posted on May 5, 2010
I left it up to my Facebook fans to choose the latest wallpaper for my free samples. The choice was between “Temple of the Leaf” and “First Light” and the latter won by about a 60/40 margin.
I hope you enjoy “First Light” and keep in mind that I have a nifty moonlit version available for my Members 😉
Posted on May 5, 2010
I have the multiscreen version of my new “Gotham Garden” worked out now and rendering away on my alternate box. I’ve also added a higher limit to my “Top Rated” pages so now you can see the top 10, 25, 50, and 100 rated images in any category. All on one page of course.
This should be a nice test for my new server 😉