Author: Ryan

Posted on September 9, 2006

  • Sorry I’ve been out of touch for the past week or so. My nose has been stuck in my Lightwave 9 manual trying to learn its new features. I do have a new wallpaper in the works (it’s rendering now) and I hope to have it up in a couple of days.

Posted on September 9, 2006

  • I’ve added dual and triple screen versions of “Reverie”. I’ve also updated the widescren versions of the image to correct a rendering error. If you downloaded them before today, I would ask that you re-download them. Sorry!

Posted on September 9, 2006

  • Thanks for all the wonderful comments regarding “Reverie”. I’m glad most of you seem to enjoy it (as of this moment it is the new top ranked image in my gallery). I will try to get dual and triple screen versions up in a day or two.

    Today I think I will take it easy and relax (as much as one can with a three year old and a three month old in the house) because it’s my birthday. I was born 35 years ago today.

Posted on September 9, 2006

  • Added “Reverie” to the Night Scenery gallery this evening. I hope you don’t mind two wallpapers in a row with silhouettes.

Posted on September 9, 2006

  • I’ve added five new posters to my Zazzle collection and I will be adding more as the week goes on. “Serenade”, “The Grid”, “Cosmogony”, “The Overseer”, and “Cosmic Dawn” are available in the original “widescreen” aspect ratio. You can also check out my poster collection directly from this page via the little Flash widget that Zazzle has provided (scroll to the bottom of this page).

    If there is a poster you would like to see available, this is the week to request it.