Author: Ryan

Posted on October 10, 2006

  • After posting “Crimson Season” yesterday, quite a few people left comments and emailed me with idea on how to improve the image (I wasn’t completely satisfied with it when I posted it). Thank you! I’ve gone back, reworked it and the new version is now up on the new images page. Yesterday’s version will stay in the Pickle Jar for the folks who liked it. I’m happy with it as it is now though and look forward to moving on.

Posted on October 10, 2006

  • I always get an itch to create an autumn scene around this time of year. Inspiration is everywhere. My autumn offering this year is “Crimson Season“, added this morning to the gallery. I hope you like it.

    A lot of folks have been asking about Halloween wallpapers so I will try to get one out before the trick-or-treaters come knocking.

Posted on October 10, 2006

  • I’ve added dual and triple-screen versions of “Containment”. I’ve also added a couple of color variations in the Pickle Jar.
  • Thanks to everyone who has been using the new comment system. I’ve really enjoyed reading all the posts! To answer a question I read: No, I haven’t been depressed lately (quite the contrary). Blue is just my favorite color and I prefer darker wallpapers (to provide contrast for your open windows and icons).

Posted on October 10, 2006

  • I’ve decided to try out a comment system for the images. I’d love to hear what you think so don’t be afraid to be first to comment.

Posted on September 9, 2006

  • My new wallpaper, “Containment”, is finally up on the new images page. It took somewhat longer than I intended to finish it and I apologize for that. The 2560 x 1600 render took around 15 hours (as opposed to probably 60 hours on my old machine) and I rendered it no less than 5 times before I was satisfied with the result. I hope you like it.

    Jessie kept telling me that I should just post it and move on. She prefers my scenery images (and judging from the rankings I’ve observed in the galleries, most of you do too) and wonders why I “waste” my time on abstracts. I do abstracts because they allow complete creativity. Sceneries all have rules which must be followed (or it doesn’t look “real”). Not so with abstracts. Abstract art lets my brain wander freely and I think they are necessary exercises. That’s why I will continue to do them, even if I know they aren’t the most popular images in my collection.

    That having been said, I do think it is time to move on to some scenery. Expect something Autumn related…