Posted on November 11, 2003
I was still working on “The Source” last week, but had to set it aside over the weekend due to some houseguests from out of town (everyone wants to come and meet the baby). I started working again yesterday and have another revision up for your review.
I thought the original crystal was too flat and the whole image looked too monochromatic. I’m still working on this one and will most likely have another update before I’m through (it’s rendering right now). Sorry they take so long, but the image takes around 10 hours to render.
Posted on October 10, 2003
Posted on October 10, 2003
This past couple of days have been pretty crazy around here. We live in northern San Diego county and, while there haven’t been directly threatened yet, the fires are close enough that we are packed and ready to go if the need arises. We live in an extremely dangerous area with only one way out, so yesterday and today I’ve had one eye on the TV news and one out the window looking for smoke.
We’re ok (for now) but a lot of people weren’t so lucky. If you would like to help out with relief efforts, the San Diego Red Cross is accepting donations at Thanks!
Posted on October 10, 2003
I received my copy of “Vue d’Esprit Professional” earlier this week and immediately set seeing what it could do. Unfortunately, the software turned out to be even buggier than World Builder (which is saying a lot). Hopefully they will get the bugs ironed out before too long and I can try again. I’m shelving it for now.
I did manage to put together a nice little Autumn scene and I’ve posted it up for you. It’s called “Autumnal” and it’s available on the New Images page. Hope you like it.
Posted on October 10, 2003