Author: Ryan

Posted on October 10, 2003

  • If you were around last year, you might remember that Jessie and I were married on October 12th. I essentially took last October off so I could help her set everything up, have the wedding, and then spend some quality time on the beach. We had a great time, but one of the unfortunate consequences was that I was unable to do any Halloween images last year.

    So October has rolled around again and the candy is on the store shelves. Time for some spooky desktops.

    My newest wallpaper, “Awakening“, is now up for your review. Hope you like it. You can check out the rest of my Halloween images by using my search engine.

Posted on October 10, 2003

  • A few items to report today. First, I’ve added 1280 x 1024 renders to the 2001 and 2000 galleries. Second, “Once Upon a Time” (the day version) is now available as a poster. I’ll have to do a little tweaking before the twilight version is ready. You might also be interested to know that Zazzle now offers framing and matting options so your prints can arrive ready to hang.

    Third, I have a dual-screen version of “Once Upon a Time” rendering and I think you dual-head folks will really enjoy it. It will be done in a few days (I hope).

    Lastly, I just received my copy of “3D World” magazine in the mail and saw that the full version of World Builder 2.3 is available on the included CDROM. It’s the same program I used to create “Valley 2000”, “Glenwood”, “Sunset Fog” and “Song of the Sky” (and many others). I’m not sure what the magazine goes for on the newstand (over $10 I think) but considering that I paid over $900 for my copy of World Builder, it’s a pretty good deal. The issue features “Finding Nemo” on the front cover and should be on newstands soon. Happy Rendering!

  • Go Cubs!!

Posted on September 9, 2003

  • I’ve added widescreen renders of both “Once Upon a Time” versions to the gallery. Since so many of you have expressed a preference for the twilight version, I’ve decided that it will reside in the Night Scenery gallery. Thanks again for all the feedback!
  • Go Cubs!

Posted on September 9, 2003

  • Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts with me regarding the two versions of “Once Upon a Time“. Opinions were split pretty much down the middle. The decision will have to be up to me and I think I’ve settled on the version I think works best for the main gallery (the brighter version). I’ve posted a slightly revised version of the brighter image, with a little less haze and little more color in the atmosphere. I’ve also removed most of the grainy noise which was present in the original render. I’ve also posted a “smoother” version of the purple version. It’s only available in the Pickle Jar for now, until I decide whether or not I want two versions of this image in my gallery.

Posted on September 9, 2003

  • UPDATE: Hmmmm. There seems to be some disagreement on which version of “Once…” is better. If you have an opinion please drop me a line. Thanks!
  • I’ve posted an updated version of “Once Upon a Time”. I felt the first version was a little too hazy. The version posted yesterday will remain available in the Pickle Jar. Now that I’ve changed this one, I’m a little conflicted as to whether it is “day scenery” or “night scenery”. I would like to do a moonlit night version, so I think I’ll put this one in the day scenery gallery (the sun is still up after all).