Author: Ryan

Posted on July 7, 2003

  • Added “Mandala” to the gallery today. The thumbnail really doesn’t do this one justice so please withhold judgement until you’ve seen the hi-res image. Hope you like it!
  • Some of you have inquired as to how Jessie is doing. The baby is due on August 8th, but realistically he could arrive any time during the next 30 days. Jessie is holding up well but I think she’s ready for the pregnancy to be over. We’re taking a Lamaze course this weekend and trying to get everything ready around the house. All in all I’m pretty excited (and more than a little nervous). I’ll post here when I have more news!

Posted on July 7, 2003

Posted on July 7, 2003

  • Thanks to everyone who wrote me with their views on the “clouds vs no clouds” issue. I’ve come to decide that the cloudless version is the better one, and I’ve swtiched out the Pickle Jar/Gallery images. The cloudless version will be featured in the gallery from now on. Both versions will, of course, be available in the Pickle Jar.

    I’ve added a dual-screen and a widescreen version as well. Enjoy!

  • By now I’ve gotten around 20 emails from folks mentioning that they spotted one of my images (“Fluorescence”) on the computer used by the cast of the new “The Real World (Paris)” show. Thanks everyone for the heads up! Feel free to write if you spot my work elsewhere on the Tube, but further emails regarding “The Real World” are unnecessary.

    FYI, I didn’t arrange anything with MTV. I don’t mind that they are using my work (quite the contrary) and I won’t be suing them 😉

Posted on July 7, 2003

  • Added “Majesty” to the gallery this afternoon. It’s based on some of the elements I created for “Gazebo“. I was somewhat torn between a version with clouds in the sky and a version without, so I decided to post them both and let you decide which works better. I think the clouds add depth to the image, but I think the colors are bolder in the version without. If you have an opinion on the matter, I would love to hear it.

Posted on July 7, 2003