Posted on April 4, 2003
Over the years I’ve had quite a few people write me asking if I would ever do a Easter wallpaper. Up until now the answer had always been “we’ll see”.
I don’t know what came over me this weekend, but I felt the time had come to do something colorful and festive. The result is called “Ostereier” and it’s up now on the new images page. I hope you like it!
I have another, non-Easter, project in the works and I hope to have that up by the end of the week.
Posted on April 4, 2003
Posted on April 4, 2003
Jessie and I got back from Illinois late last night and I’ve been spending today digging myself out from under a pile of emails. The purpose of our trip was threefold. Wednesday and Thursday we visited my In-Laws and some old friends in Iowa City. Friday we drove to Bloomington IL and spent the weekend with my family. Sunday I opened my showing in the local Barnes and Noble bookstore, and then went directly from there to my grandfather’s 90th birthday party (the real reason for the trip). The whole trip was awesome.
Last Friday the Pantagraph, the local Bloomington newspaper, ran a feature article about me and my work. I was interviewed a couple of weeks ago over the phone. I’ve taken the liberty of scanning the article (it isn’t available from the Pantagraph web site) and posting it here for you. Check it out if you’re interested (warning to 56K users: it’s around 800 KB to download).
I hope to start work on a new wallpaper either tomorrow or Thursday. I’m also in the process of putting together a new CDROM edition and a few new posters. The new CD will be available through CafePress, instead GoldenROM, so it will finally be available internationally.
Posted on March 3, 2003
Posted on March 3, 2003