Author: Ryan

Posted on February 2, 2003

  • I’d meant to do some more work on “Rebirth” today, but unfortunately my computer had other ideas. Just as I was finishing up on my computer last night, my hard drive made a sputtering noise and then died. I wasn’t able to restart the machine.

    Luckily I was able to hook the drive up to one of my other machines and save off all of my most important data. It won’t work as a boot drive in my main machine though. The nice folks at Dell have promised to send me another drive ASAP (it should be here by Monday at the latest) and as soon as it arrives I will restore everything and start fresh. BTW, I’m posting this from my laptop.

  • My work has been on the web for six years now (seven if you count the images I posted on AOL back in 1996). As far as people using my work without my permission, I thought I had seen it all. I guess I was wrong. Case in point: someone tipped me off that my “Tropic of Capricorn” image was being used in a country music video. I couldn’t believe it until I saw it for myself.

    You can see it too: just check out the video for Jennifer Hanson’s “Beautiful Goodbye” at the Capitol Records-Nashville homepage. I’m flattered to see my work on TV (even though I’m not a big country music fan) but I do wish they had asked me first. I haven’t decided yet how I’m going to respond to this…

  • Jessie and I went to the OB again this morning and I was able to hear our baby’s heartbeat for the very first time. It definitely put my computer hardware problems into proper perspective. Everything is progressing normally. Next month we go back to find out whether we are having a boy or a girl. I’ll keep you posted.

Posted on February 2, 2003

  • Earlier this week, as I was just getting started on a new wallpaper, an email came in from a member complaining that the weather had been “so cold and dreary lately” and asking if I could please post something “sunny” to brighten her desktop. I imagine quite a few people are sick and tired of winter greys and are ready for spring.

    With that in mind I set to work on something bright and cheerful. The result, entitled “Rebirth”, is now up on the new images page. I hope you like it!

Posted on February 2, 2003

  • I’ve added three new posters, “Arboreal“, “Satori“, and “Cradle“, to my Zazzle collection.

    Speaking of posters, I’m proud to announce the first ever “public showing” of my work. Actually it was my Mom’s idea. She’s arranged to have my work on display in my hometown Barnes & Noble bookstore through the month of April. The prints will go up on Sunday, March 30th. Jessie and I will be in the store between 12:00 and 2:30 that afternoon (in the café).

    I’ll be available to answer questions and do general “meet-the-artist” type stuff. I’ll also be happy to sign posters if you bring them along, but I won’t be selling any at the store. It will all be very informal.

    The store is located in Bloomington, IL. If any of you live in the Twin Cities or in Central Illinois and feel like stopping by, we’d would love to meet you.

  • I’m going to start working on something new tomorrow, aiming to have a new wallpaper up by the end of the week. Thanks everyone for being patient with me!

Posted on February 2, 2003

  • I’ve added widescreen versions of “Arboreal”, “Aquamarine”, “Hybrid”, and “Song of the Sky”.

Posted on February 2, 2003

  • Last week I decided to take a short break from creating new wallpapers. I just needed to do something else for a little while and recharge my batteries. Rather then let the time go completely to waste however, I’ve set about addressing some of the special requests which I get on a daily basis.

    I’m always getting emails from folks using Apple Cinema displays asking me to render wallpapers to fit their screens. If you have one of these widescreen monitors, this is your lucky day. I’ve just posted a starter collection of 14 wallpapers at 1920 x 1200 resolution. They will fit the larger Apple displays (and some other widescreen monitors), and can be scaled down to accurately fit the widescreen Ibook displays (I hope).

    If you like these and want to see more, please drop me a line and let me know.