Posted on February 2, 2003
Thanks to everyone who’s written me with comments on “Arboreal”. It sounds like most of you like the image and have no problem viewing it on your screens. Great!
There was one thing that needed fixing however. A mapping error on my part resulted in the background planet having a strange, elongated shape. I’ve redone the render and replaced the image that I posted on Monday.
Posted on February 2, 2003
Posted on February 2, 2003
A week or so ago, the Friday before the Super Bowl, Jessie and I were watching the late local news when something unusual happened. The broadcast cut to a live interview with Columbia astronauts William McCool, Michael Anderson, and David Brown. McCool, who had been born in San Diego, was the focus of the interview. He spoke of his fond memories of the city (especially the Zoo), predictions for the Super Bowl, and his hope that the thousands of soldiers deploying to the Middle East would all come home safely. Very cool.
It’s a shame that most of us only seem to notice the space program when something goes wrong. Outside of Israel and India, I doubt that many of us even knew that Columbia was bound for home yesterday, or would have celebrated if she had landed safely. These brave folks fly for all of us, and each successful flight inches us away from our base origins and towards our future in the stars. When we eventually return to space I can only hope we pay as much attention to the successes as we do the failures, and honor the astronauts who live as well as the ones who perish.
Posted on January 1, 2003
I just wanted to let you all know that I started working on a new wallpaper a few days ago. I’m putting the finishing touches on it right now and I hope to have it up before Monday. I won’t be working on it tomorrow however, as I will be spending the day with Jessie celebrating her birthday. We are going to have a picnic on the beach, go shopping for maternity clothes and then end up at Buca di Beppo for a big Italian dinner.
I know Jessie loves hearing from you guys, so if anyone wants to send a “Happy Birthday Email” you can send it to this address. Thanks!