Author: Ryan

Posted on August 8, 2002

  • Thanks everyone for your many suggestions and comments. I’ve posted a new render of “Neopolis” on the new images page (with appropriate thumbnail image this time). The first render is still available in the Pickle Jar. Still interested in your ideas if you care to share them.

Posted on August 8, 2002

  • After many days of tweaking and rendering, I think my new render is ready for you to see. It’s called “Neopolis” and you’ll find it on the new images page. There are still some things I would like to work on with this image, so I am open to suggestions.

Posted on August 8, 2002

  • Just wanted to chime in an mention that I am working on a new wallpaper. This one is a little more detailed than usual and the modeling is very time consuming (lots of pieces). I going to try to have something to show you by early next week. Hopefully it will be worth the wait!

Posted on August 8, 2002

Posted on August 8, 2002

  • As I mentioned in my notes fom 8/11, Jessie and I have been entertaining family over the past week. Sometimes I wish I lived closer to home, but then I remember those Illinois winters and I remember why I moved to San Diego in the first place. Still, don’t be surprised if we move back there someday. Jessie and I are thinking about having a child or two and it would be a shame for them to grow up without the benefit of grandparents. Just a thought…

    Anyway, the response to the version of Karesansui I posted last week was overwhelmingly postive. Thank you! I think I’ll leave it as is, but don’t be surprised if I do more Japanese gardens (wet and dry) in the future. The genre interests me a great deal and I think there’s a lot of “wallpaper potential” to be explored.

    I received a lot of requests for a night version, so I went ahead and created one. I went back and forth this morning over whether to add it to the gallery proper or just put it in the Pickle Jar. As you can see, I settled on the former. You’ll find the Night Render on the new images page. I hope you like it. (Update 2:15 PM PST: the first version I posted was a little too dark so I’ve gone ahead and posted a new version with added moonlight. This morning’s post is still in the Pickle Jar. Hope the new render works better for you all! ) On to something new now. I just learned that a 3.2 patch for World Builder has been posted. . .

  • There are a couple of other items I would like to mention. I’ve added a Dual-Monitor version of “Atoll” to the Dual-Monitor gallery. I’ve also added a new poster, “Autumn Shrine“, to the Zazzle collection.