Author: Ryan

Posted on February 2, 2002

  • Initial feedback has been mostly postive on “Titan Blue”, but a lot of you seemed to think the ice was a little too bright and washed out. Fair enough, I’ve posted an updated render with the highlights toned down a little. The change is a subtle one, so I don’t think it’s worth keeping the old version in the Picklejar.

Posted on February 2, 2002

  • Added a new wallpaper the gallery tonight. “Titan Blue” is available on the new images page. I don’t think this one is quite finished yet so I’d love to hear your thoughts.
  • Some of you have written asking why there is no picture of Jessie and myself anywhere on the site. Ok. I’ve posted a small one of the both of us on my Bio page (towards the bottom).

Posted on February 2, 2002

  • I’ve just posted my latest render, “Trinity 2002“. The original “Trinity” can be seen here. I used this image to learn how to use Lightwave 7’s new Skytracer 2 and Nature FX 2 from Dynamic-Realities.

    I’ve also posted an updated render of “Hallowgrove“. I took some of your feedback and made a few tweaks. Hopefully they will meet with your approval.

Posted on February 2, 2002

  • Yesterday was pretty scary. We live north of San Diego, just south of Fallbrook, where yesterday a wildfire burned thousands of acres and destroyed quite a few homes. The fires were about 10 or 15 miles away from us to the north so we weren’t in any immediate danger, but it was quite a sight (a great column of smoke rose over 30,000 feet into the sky). We live in an area that could burn just as easily, so I’m more than a little bit freaked out.

    Anyway, I just wanted to post here and mention that I am working on a new wallpaper. It should be up at the earliest tonight and in a day or two at the latest. I’ll also have an improved (IMO) render of “Hallowgrove”.

Posted on February 2, 2002

  • Thanks to everyone who wished Jessie a happy birthday. I think it helps her to know that there are real people on the other end of my work. She has a lot of emails to go through, but she’s told me that she will reply to every one. Yesterday we went to Disneyland and had a great time.

    When I wasn’t helping Jessie celebrate her big day, I was working on a new wallpaper which I have just posted. It’s called “Hallowgrove” and you’ll find it on the new images page. I’m sure some of you were wondering if I was only going to do glowing “blobs” from now on. Fear not. I like to do abstracts from time to time. Hope you like this latest render!