Author: Ryan

Posted on January 1, 2002

  • I’ve just posted my latest render, “Court of the Azure Dragon“. Watching this one render has kindled thoughts of upgrading my workstation. My dual 1 gHz doesn’t seem as fast as it once did.

    Normally I would use this space to ask you for feedback on my latest render. It turns out I always like feedback on my latest renders, so instead of always inquiring about it here I’ve decided to add a simple “Send Comments” mailto link to each work on the new images page.

Posted on January 1, 2002

  • I’ve added a new render of “Sunflower“. The first render is still available in the Picklejar if you want to compare.

Posted on January 1, 2002

  • Did I say it would take a couple of days? Make that three. I still want to do another render or two, but I’d like to get a little feedback first. With that in mind I present my latest render, entitled “Sunflower“. I’m sure it’s not entirely scientifically correct, but given the title of my gallery you cannot expect everything to perfectly mirror reality. Like I said, comments appreciated.
  • While back home for the holidays my family and I had lunch at a local Vietnamese restaurant. My step-dad snapped a picture of us at our table and I’ve posted it for you. From left to right are my mother, my big brother Eric, Jessie, and myself. No reason for posting this other than to share with you a bit of the wonderful time I had back home.

Posted on January 1, 2002

  • Just wanted to let you know that I am working on something new. I took a couple of days off after posting “Caverline” so I could spend time with my friend visiting from home.

    The new wallpaper is quite unlike anything I’ve done before and I want to make sure it looks right before I post it. It should be up within the next couple of days.

    If you are anxious to look at something new(-ish), I’ve posted two Picklejar versions of “Iris Nebula” for you to check out.

Posted on January 1, 2002

  • I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Years celebration. May this coming year be far more peaceful than the one left behind. My friend is still visiting, but I have managed to put together a little something to show you. I call it “Caverline” and you’ll find it on the new images page. If you have comments, send them over. Hope you like it!
  • I’ve been getting a flood of email regarding my last post (see below). The overwhelming response is that I should leave the site design as it is. That’s fine with me (leaves me more time to work on wallpapers). I have gotten some good ideas for little things to tweak though. I’ll try to get to them before I write my next New Year’s update 😉