Author: Ryan

Posted on December 12, 2001

  • Jessie and I returned last evening from visiting my family in Illinois (got plane tickets at the last minute). It had been over two years since I had been back and it was really wonderful to see my family again. Big thanks to my Dad for letting us stay with him! I finally showed him how to log into the members gallery and he promised to check in every so often. It was definitely one of the best holidays in recent memory.

    My holiday isn’t quite over yet though. My best friend Chad is coming to stay with us for a few days starting tomorrow. The visit was originally supposed to be next week, but we had to move it up a little. This means I probably won’t get to make the New Years image that I had been planning on. I’ll be working today and tomorrow but I probably won’t get back in front of the computer until after the 3rd. After that I will be full steam ahead on making new wallpapers. This break will definitely do me good.

    I did a New Years image a few years back. It’s called “First and Last Dance” and you will find it here.

  • I’ve been hearing rumblings from some of you that DB could use a redesign. Personally, I like the spartan look. It loads pretty quick and it’s easy for me to update. I would certainly like to hear your thoughts. Is the site hard to navigate? Are there features you would like added? Please drop me a line if you have an opinion you would like to share.

Posted on December 12, 2001

  • I’ve added one last holiday render for the year. “Peppermint” is now available from the new images page. I hope you like it.

    Now I think I’m going to take a little break from rendering, though I do hope to have one last render up before the year is out (possibly with a “new years” theme) so check back or sign up for the mailing list.

    Jessie and I want to wish you all a safe and happy holiday. Here is a link to a little Christmas poem I wrote a couple of years ago. It’s sappy, but I’m comfortable with that 😉

Posted on December 12, 2001

  • It’s 4:00 AM and Jessie and I just got back from the midnight showing of Lord of the Rings. This one is definitely going in my all-time top three movies, right up there with Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark (better in some ways). “Epic” is too small a word. Whether you’ve read the book or not, go see this movie as soon as you can!
  • I’m working on one last render before I take a break for the Holidays. Look for it before the end of the week.

Posted on December 12, 2001

Posted on December 12, 2001

  • Added “Winterborn” today. It’s sort of a holiday wallpaper, but not completely seasonal. I created over 20 different “snowflakes” using the Xfrog software, but unfortunately you can only really see one of them here. Perhaps in the future I will create some other renders featuring the out-of-focus flakes. Either way, I hope you enjoy this render.