Posted on May 5, 2001
As mentioned last time, I am working on a new project. This morning I think it looks good enough to post. The image is called “Singularity” andyou can find it on the new images page. This is my first try at depicting this particular phenomenon so if anyone has comments I would love to hear them. I suppose I could have made this any color, but I chose blue in homage to the movie “The Black Hole” (one of my favorites).
I’ve posted an early, more colorful render in the Pickle Jar. I’m still working on this one so don’t be surprised if you see a few more renders in the days ahead.
Posted on May 5, 2001
Posted on April 4, 2001
I’ve added an updated render of “Temple Stairs” (note to self: think up snappier title). Some of you mentioned that the area around the stairs was too dark so I’ve brightened that a bit. You can now easily see the man climbing the stairs.
Some of you have requested a version without the man climbing the stairs. I can understand that. I added him to give the scene a sense of scale, but I think the size of the stairs can also fulfill this purpose. I’m rendering a version without the figure so you can have your pick, it should be up late tonight or early tomorrow.
If you have strong feelings one way or another about the stair climber, drop me a line and let me know. Help me decide which image goes in the gallery, and which will live in the Pickle Jar.
Posted on April 4, 2001