Posted on April 4, 2001
Posted on April 4, 2001
Posted on April 4, 2001
Posted on April 4, 2001
The animated verison of “White Magic” took a little longer than I anticipated. For some strange, inexplicable reason it kept crashing on one frame. No matter what I tried, the bad frame (#90) simply would not render.
So I only have frames 1-89 of my 120 frame animation. I guess that will have to be enough for now. I’ve posted it here ([an error occurred while processing this directive] zipped MPG).
I’ve also posted an animated version of “Sunset Fog” ([an error occurred while processing this directive] zipped MPG). I’d rendered it a back in January but forgotten about it until now. Sorry about that.
I hope you enjoy them. It’s likely you’ll be seeing more animations from now on, due to the fact that Lightnet has finally been updated for Lightwave 6.5. Now I can use all six of my processors (three workstations and my laptop) to render frames. Stay tuned!
Posted on March 3, 2001