Author: Ryan

Posted on January 1, 2001

  • Hi folks. I just wanted to let you know that I am alive and that I am working on some new stuff. As soon as I’m happy with it, you’ll see it.

Posted on January 1, 2001

Posted on January 1, 2001

  • The new landscape that I mentioned last time is now available in on the New Images page. I’m calling this one “Sunset Fog”. The color is inspired by the sunset we had last week during the first day of the Viejas wildfire.

    What do you think?.

Posted on January 1, 2001

  • I didn’t do an “abstract” gallery in 2000 but I’ll have one this year. “Twine”, now available on the new images page, will be its first resident. I’m also working on a new World Builder landscape which I hope to have up within a day or so.
  • Smoking status report: It’s been over two months now since I quit smoking and I think about them less and less every day. I broke down about a month or so ago and tried a cigarette. It tasted nasty though and made me feel ill. I haven’t wanted one since.

    Again, I want to thank everyone who sent me letters of encouragement. Once I told you all that I had quit, I just knew I couldn’t start up again…

Posted on January 1, 2001

  • Happy 2001! I’ve added a new wallpaper to the gallery. “Arboretum” is available on the New Images page. I’ve also posted a night version in the Pickle Jar. I did this scene to test out how many polygons my new computer could handle. The final count came out to 4,222,222, and it took about 3 and a half hours to render on one processor. The added light sources in the night version kicked the render time up to 8 hours.