Author: Ryan

Posted on December 12, 2000

  • This will be my first Christmas “away from home”. On one hand I’m sad that I won’t be seeing my family and friends. On the other hand, I’m glad to miss out on the crowded airports and sub-zero temperatures back home. The Christmas forecast for San Diego is sunny and 70.

    My latest wallpaper, “Passage“, is now up for your review. It was inspired by a recent trip to the local mall. I hope you like it.

    Jessie and I want to wish you all a joyous holiday. Please remember to buckle up when you’re on the roads!

Posted on December 12, 2000

  • As mentioned last time, I wanted to tweak “Yuletide” a little bit more. The new version is now up for review on the new images page. It’s pretty much a total rework, only the ground remains from the original.

    I’ve also posted a brief animation if you’re interested.

  • I’ve added a couple of new animations to the Downloads page.

Posted on December 12, 2000

  • A few items to report today.

    I’ve been spending the past couple of days migrating all of my software to my new workstation. Actually, the new machine arrived last week but I didn’t want to start messing with it until I had posted “Yuletide“. If any of you are interested in the machine specs, here they are. I still have a few improvements I want to make to my latest uploads, so stay tuned for that.

  • You all know I love using World Builder and Lightwave. Unfortunately, they just don’t play together like I want them to. World Builder, it appears, was built to work with 3D Studio Max and Lightwave support was added as an afterthought. I’ve decided, then, to purchase a copy of 3D Studio Max. The fact that I could upgrade to 3DS Max 4 also played a big part in my decision. It looks way cool.
  • Lastly, I received notice yesterday that Digital Blasphemy was chosen as one of Yahoo Internet Life’s Top 100 websites for 2001. My mother (who has a subscription to the magazine) confirmed this for me last night. If you’re interested, the magazine hits the newstands on December 19th. Needless to say, I’m honored.

Posted on December 12, 2000

  • I’ve added “Yuletide” to the new images page. I decided to go a different route for the environment on this one. Some of you wrote me saying you liked the floor design in the preview version, but I decided against using it. I thought snow would be more fitting.

    The preview version is still available in the Pickle Jar, as is a brief animation I rendered of the falling snow.

Posted on December 12, 2000

  • This project I’m working on is taking longer than I had imagined. Part of that, I’ll admit, is due to me watching the “Dune” mini-series for the past three nights. I liked it, BTW.

    My new project isn’t near complete yet, but I’ve posted a render so you can get a glimpse at the direction I’m heading. I’ve put it in the PickleJar if you want a sneak peak. I don’t think it’s “done” enough to put it on the New Images page.

    More to come!