Author: Ryan

Posted on September 9, 2000

  • “Fluorescence” was created primarily as a modeling experiment. I didn’t know much yet about Lightwave textures and rendering, so I used Bryce to create the final output. People seemed to like it.

    People liked it a lot actually. It’s been downloaded over 1 million times since I posted it about a year ago.

    That being the case, I’m sure some people will see it as sacrilege that I would change it. They needn’t worry though, the “original” is still available and isn’t going anywhere. I thought it would be fun to revisit the image using Lightwave’s considerable texturing/rendering tools.

    You can see the revision on the “New Images” page. I’d love to hear what you think about it. Please keep in mind that it was not my intention to create a carbon copy of the original, I wanted it to look different. That is how I’m presenting it now — as something different. It is not mean’t to replace the original.

Posted on September 9, 2000

  • Since I could no longer work on any of my existing Lightwave projects, I decided start something new. Nothing takes your mind off of lost data like creating new data.

    The result, Maelstrom, is now up for your review on the new images page (and in the Planetscapes gallery). It’s my first attempt at modeling a whole galaxy, and your opinions are certainly welcome.

Posted on September 9, 2000

  • First of all, I would like to thank everyone who wrote to wish me a happy birthday. It was wonderful. Jessie and I had a nice sunset dinner at Qwiig’s in Ocean Beach and then we had some ice cream cake from Baskin-Robbins. What more could one ask for? She got me some spiffy shirts too 🙂

    After my “big day” I immediately got back to work on “Subterranean”. I liked the underwater effect (as did a lot of you, from the notes you sent me), but I didn’t think it worked for the scene that I had created. I decided to start again from scratch and make a “dedicated” underwater pic (rather than a “converted” one). I’ve been working on it all week.

    Now the bad part. You know how the experts always recommend you backup your hard disk? Usually I’m pretty good about it, but lately I’ve haven’t been doing it as much as I should. Now it appears I’m going to pay for my laziness. My “data” disk, where I keep all my Lightwave meshes, textures, and scenes, has failed. It refuses to start up with the rest of my system and I cannot get at any of my data. Needless to say, I’m distressed. The only thing I can think of to do now is send the disc out to Ontrack to retrieve my lost data.

    Fortunately, one render survived of the project I was working on all week. I rendered it on Friday, but I wanted to tweak a few things before I posted it. Looks like I won’t get to…

    The image is called “Rays from Above” and you’ll find it on the New Images page. Hope you like it as is. I plan to finish it when I get my data situation straightened out.

    Remember — always back up your hard disk!

Posted on September 9, 2000

  • A few items to report today.

    I’ve been working on Subterranean for a few days now. There are a few versions available. The one on the New Images page was rendered back on Friday, but I wanted to try a few different things before I posted it. Saturday and Sunday I experimented with making it an underwater scene, and I’ve posted a couple of those renders in the Picklejar. Let me know if you have an opinions on this matter.

    I also rendered one more version of my Hibiscus. I’m fairly certain this variety doesn’t exist in nature (at least where I live).

    Lastly, I’m celebrating my 29th birthday today. Feel free to drop me a line if you’d like to say “Happy Birthday”. I’d love to hear from you.

Posted on September 9, 2000

  • Thanks everyone for the great feedback on “Hibiscus”!. A lot of the comments I received centered on the stamen structure at the center. You thought, rightly so, that the stamen was just too smooth and regular looking. Yes. It was modeled that way on purpose.

    My original intention was to apply a layer of fuzz to the stamen using my “Shave and a Haircut” software. I worked on it through the weekend, trying to see what was possible. The result is now up for your review on the New Images page. Comments appreciated.

    I also did a little more “hand-painting” on the petals. I can definitely see where UV mapping will come in handy down the road. I learned a lot.

    Depending on your feedback, I see at most one more Hibiscus render. I’m sort of itching to move on now.

    Hope you like it!