Author: Ryan

Posted on October 10, 2000

  • Sorry it’s been so long since my last update. I’ve been working on finishing “City of the Dead” for the past 5 days, trying to get it as creepy as possible. I’ve also been putting the finishing touches on my CDROM (spurred on by countless emails asking when it would be available). The CDROM files and cover art are finally in the hands of my publisher, and my latest version of “City of the Dead” is finally available on the new images page. The first render is still available in the picklejar. Thanks to everyone for your comments on the first version, they really helped.
  • I finally got around to mailing off my failed hard disk last week (see 9-17 below). A few days later I got the bad news: the disk is a total loss. Apperently the heads crashed and scratched up the platters. Nothing could be retrieved. Always back up your data folks.
  • Are any of you fans of the band “Orgy”? If so and in case you’re wondering, yes, that’s “Chamelea” inside the cover of their latest CD. They contacted me a few months ago about using it but I didn’t want to say anything until I saw it for myself. Pretty cool I guess.

Posted on October 10, 2000

  • I’ve posted the foliage image I mentioned yesterday. It’s called “Autumn Fire” and you’ll find it on the new images page. Just for the record, this pic took 124 hours to render on my “old” PIII 550. I’d love to hear what you think about it, but don’t expect any updates this week 😉
  • I’m going to turn now to finishing my 2nd Ed CDROM. I’ve made a few changes to “City of the Dead” but I want to work on it a little more before I post an update. Thanks for all the feedback!

Posted on October 10, 2000

  • I’ve been busy lately with a number of different projects. I’m still in the middle of getting my 2nd edition CD-ROM ready, I’m working on a “fall foliage” image, and I want to do some darker wallpapers for Halloween (one of my favorite holidays).

    My CD isn’t available yet, and the foliage pic is still rendering after 3 days (I’m using Vue d’Esprit). All I have to show you right now is a preliminary look at my first Halloween wallpaper of 2000. The image is called “City of the Dead” and you can find it on the New Images page. I’m still working on it, so I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Posted on September 9, 2000

  • “Fluorescence” was created primarily as a modeling experiment. I didn’t know much yet about Lightwave textures and rendering, so I used Bryce to create the final output. People seemed to like it.

    People liked it a lot actually. It’s been downloaded over 1 million times since I posted it about a year ago.

    That being the case, I’m sure some people will see it as sacrilege that I would change it. They needn’t worry though, the “original” is still available and isn’t going anywhere. I thought it would be fun to revisit the image using Lightwave’s considerable texturing/rendering tools.

    You can see the revision on the “New Images” page. I’d love to hear what you think about it. Please keep in mind that it was not my intention to create a carbon copy of the original, I wanted it to look different. That is how I’m presenting it now — as something different. It is not mean’t to replace the original.

Posted on September 9, 2000

  • Since I could no longer work on any of my existing Lightwave projects, I decided start something new. Nothing takes your mind off of lost data like creating new data.

    The result, Maelstrom, is now up for your review on the new images page (and in the Planetscapes gallery). It’s my first attempt at modeling a whole galaxy, and your opinions are certainly welcome.