Author: Ryan

Posted on May 5, 2000

  • Shallows is new today. Check out the Picklejar and you’ll see that this started as a very different image. I’ve been working on this scene for the past three or four days, but this last version did not materialize until just this morning. What do you think?

Posted on May 5, 2000

  • A few new items today…

    I spent yesterday trying to figure out Hypervoxels 3.0, and how it’s different than 2.0. I did a few renders of an abstract nature and I’ve posted them for your review. I chose one to display on the new images page and put the rest in the Picklejar, along with an animated version of the scene. The animation is MPG encoded, and it should run on just about every OS. Let me know if you have problems though (try saving the file to your hard disk rather than “streaming” it).

  • I’ve added an animated version of “Morning Light“. Once again, this is in MPG format.
  • I’ve added a slightly different version of “Neptune’s Garden” in the Pickejar.
  • I’ve added an updated version of “Escort” to the Picklejar.
  • I’ve added 1600 x 1200 versions of “Planetfall” and “Sleepwalker“.
  • I’ve added a second view of “Pyre” to the Picklejar.

Posted on May 5, 2000

  • I’ve made some cosmetic changes to “Morning Light“. Nothing too radical, but I did think that the camera angle was a little off in the first version, and that the grass was a little too sparse up close.

Posted on May 5, 2000

  • I’m a happy camper this morning. Newtek has released a patch for Lightwave 6 and it looks great.
  • Added “Morning Light” (tentative title). You can think of this one as an update to “Palisade”, except that the title didn’t fit. If you can’t tell, I am completely hooked on WB’s volumetric light. I do plan on fixing a few things with this image (the camera angle, the grass).

Posted on May 5, 2000

  • I’ve posted a new version of the tornado wallpaper, “Whirlwind“, in the Day Scenery Gallery. The animated version will follow shortly. Thanks to everyone who sent in feedback about the first draft. There may be one or two tweaks left for this image, so if you have any comments please send them over.
  • I would have posted Whirlwind a few days ago, but I was distracted when Dynamic-Realities released a Lightwave 6 patch for NatureFX. Finally I can use Skytracer (Lightwave’s “sky editor”) and have the sky realistically reflect off of a NatureFX ocean.

    I’ve posted a set of three test renders in the Picklejar for your review.