Author: Ryan

Posted on March 3, 2000

  • A few new items today. The first is a different version of my Jellyfish. Ironically, the jelly fish is helping me to learn about bones. What are bones you might ask? Here is a nice technical overview of them. Put simply, properly parented bones (leg bone connected to the foot bone…) give structure to a mesh and allow you to pose it by moving its skeleton. Great for animation (since you can keyframe the bone movements), but it’s also great for stills because you can model an object once and then deform it to suit your needs. A big time saver.
    This version of the Jelly was rendered in Lightwave 6, and (as you can see) looks much different than the first one. Opinions?
  • Look here and here for some new “pickles” (you’ll see which ones are new by the “last modified date”).

Posted on March 3, 2000

  • Added Jellies today. Quite a few of you wrote me after I released “Fluorescence” and asked if I could do a picture of Jellyfish. Here they are. Comments welcome, especially if you can think of a better name for the picture.
  • My copy of Station X Studio’s Messiah arrived on Saturday. Messiah is mainly an animation tool, but I think it will have significant applications in my still work.
  • Thanks to everyone who expressed their opinion about Minutiae. Most of you seemed to like the second one better, and I have to agree with you.

Posted on March 3, 2000

  • I indulged myself yesterday by firing up LIghtwave 6 and trying out some of the new features. You can see my first results in the WIP and the Pickle Jar. The image is called Minutiae. I’ve always been fascinated by what you could see under the Electron Microscope, and this is my attempt to capture the feel. I may do one or two more of these eventually. It’s kind of liberating in that you can really create any shape you want. Want to see some actual images? Check out Microangela’s site (she colorizes the images in photoshop), and here’s another one.

    There are two versions of Minutiae for you to check out. One can be found on the New Images page. and the other is in the Pickle Jar. The choice of which went where was completely random on my part. I’d be interesting in hearing which version you prefer (if any).

Posted on March 3, 2000

Posted on March 3, 2000

  • The 2000 gallery is up, sort of. I’ve made an effort to choose my favorites out of the projects that I’ve been working on, but you may have different opinion on what should be included. I have taken into account all of your feedback about the different versions in making my picks. I am also posting PNG versions (at 1600 x 1200) of the selected images.

    If you find problems in the new pages, or have any comments about them please drop me a line!

    My next order of business is to tackle the Pickle Jar and somehow integrate it with the rest of my collection so you can browse my gallery and easily see the revisions when you choose to do so.

  • Posted a minor update to Sub-Tropic. Nothing too dramatic. I Increased the complexity of the ocean mesh in an attempt to get rid of some of the jagged lines from the first version. I also rearranged the foreground a little.