Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on October 10, 2023


I usually like to do at least one Halloween render every year and over 20+ years I’ve attempted many of the common tropes (jack-o-lanterns, black cats, vampires, etc).   I wanted to do something a bit different this year.   My oldest son Ian is a fan of listening to spooky podcasts and also enjoys taking midnight walks with me through our wooded neighborhood.   During these walks he would imagine that the creatures he’d heard about were lurking in the dark forest. 

One of these creatures was the “Wendigo“, an evil mythological creature of the originating from the folklore of Plains and Great Lakes Natives.  It is said to have a gaunt, human-like appearance with the face of an animal and horns like a deer.   The Wendigo embodies starvation and the resultant desire to kill and consume human flesh.

It seemed like the perfect theme for a creepy Halloween scene and I hope you enjoy it.   Thanks to Ian for teaching me something new about the world!

Posted on September 25, 2023

Autumn Bayou

Every year I like to add at least one new Autumn render to my gallery (usually during the later part of the year when Fall hits the northern hemisphere where I live) . I’ve rendered the changing trees in many different biomes but never a bayou, until now that is.

Created on “Shadowfax” while my main machine was rendering “Pallas“.

I hope you enjoy “Autumn Bayou” and feel free to share your feedback in the comments. I love to hear from you all 🙂

Posted on September 19, 2023


Sticking with the space theme for the moment. I’ve had this image floating around in my mind for quite a while now but didn’t really have a good way to realize it until I learned more about Cinema4D’s Pyro system, which I used to simulate the steam vents.    I also used C4D to create the planet background but I used Gaea and VUE for the foreground.   The title, as with many of my planetscapes, comes from Greek mythology.   Pallas was the daughter of Triton and granddaughter of Poseidon.

I hope you enjoy it!

I created and rendered this one on Rochallor and have a new Autumn piece in the works on Shadowfax. Stay tuned!

Posted on September 12, 2023

Continuing my exploration of Cinema4D’s Pyro system for creating deep space nebulae.   This time I used Redshift for the rendering but sort of wish I’d used Octane as the sim proved to be too much for my GPU.   Fortunately “Rochallor” is a 96 core CPU rendering beast 😄 This is the latest entry in a series of images that I started in 2001 using Lightwave (w/3D geometry) and continued in 2008 (using Lightwave “Hypervoxel” volumetrics). I hope you enjoy it!!