Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on September 5, 2023

Elysium (Moonlight)

As promised, here’s a moonlit version of “Elysium” with some fireflies added to brighten the foreground. I also adjusted the color of the longer grass to allow it to pick up more moonlight. The bluebird has returned to its nest for the evening though.

I hope you enjoy it. Going to be working with C4D for my next piece so be patient as it’s more of a learning experience for me as opposed to working with VUE!

Posted on September 1, 2023


Happy Friday! Autumn is nearly here but I wanted to do at least one more green summery scene before the air turns cool. This piece is a spiritual successor of sorts to “At World’s Edge” but I feel like it’s different enough to need it’s own title. I was inspired to create it by watching Ghibli films with my kids this summer.

Night version to come (of course). I hope you enjoy it!

Posted on August 27, 2023

Stillwater (Summer)

I originally had created a sunlit scene for the summer entry in my “Stillwater” series, and was all set to share it yesterday, when I paused and decided to do something a little different.   I don’t have many rainy day scenes in my gallery (only one or two that I can think of) so I thought it was past time to add another.   Look for the sunlit version in the Pickle Jar shortly and the winter version later on in the Fall.

Posted on August 18, 2023

Stillwater (Autumn)

I know it isn’t officially Fall for a month or so yet but I usually get the urge to revisit the season around the time when my kids start getting ready to go back to school.   Used VUE here and I will be sharing at least three seasons of this scene.    I already have a nighttime render of this Autumn version that I am excited to share soon.

I’ve featured this piece (and a winter version which I will post in the gallery later) in my brand new 2024 wall calendar which is available now. I hope you enjoy this series!!