Posted on December 15, 2008
I guess I should pop in here and let you all know what’s been going on. I mentioned back on 10/12 that I was having surgery and that I hoped it would take care of the problem I was having once in for all. Unfortunately, it didn’t.
I saw a new doctor last Monday and last Tuesday I was operated on again. This time it is a two step proces, with some temporary hardware inserted that must remain (painfully) in place for 6 weeks before being replaced by permanent hardware in a second (and, they tell me, final) procedure.
I was hesitant to even mention that I was having surgery again, since I had overestimated how bad the recovery would be back in October. I thought maybe I would be able to get back to work quickly and never mention it.
This time, I’m afraid, I am going to be out of it a little while longer. It’s been almost a week and I am still in a haze of pain pills and not feeling up to doing much. To be completely honest, I kind of down in the dumps about the whole thing and probably couldn’t come up with a cheery piece of Christmas artwork even if I could sit my computer long enough to create it.
I’m sure a lot of you are curious as to exactly what my problem is. All I will say is that it is a personal problem and I would rather not get into specifics. Just know that it isn’t life threatening or debilitating in the long term but is having a major negative impact on my quality of life in the near term.
I can’t really say when I will be able to get back to work. Hopefully soon. Thanks for understanding.
Posted on December 8, 2008
I’ve added all of my 7680 x 1600 triple widescreen renders to the gallery this evening. Those of you lucky enough to be running three 30″ monitors have some new wallpapers to enjoy. You’ll find the appropriate links next to the images in the 2008 gallery or you can download them all in a zip file on the downloads page.
I had hoped to have all of the 2008 images rendered before the I posted them, but decided that I would just put up what I have and go back and work on the rest. There are twenty of them right now, representing the latest twenty images posted.
I haven’t created split files for them yet, and to be completely honest, I am debating whether it is worth the effort on my part to offer split files. It would be a heck of a lot easier for me just to post a single file and let those who need to split it do it themselves. Why, oh why, doesn’t the vaunted MacOS allow users to span a single image across two or more monitors?
I also haven’t yet created dual-widesceen (5120 x 1600) crops of these images. If there is a great need for them, of if you have any other comments, please feel free to post below.
Posted on December 7, 2008
A few items to to mention this morning. First, I’ve posted the dual and triple screen versions of “At World’s Edge (Winter)”. I’ve been thrilled with the reception to this one and I hope you multi-screen users enjoy it as much as the single-screen users have.
Second, I’ve added Zip files for the Pickle Jar. They are separated by resolution, though I don’t have the 1152 x 864 images represented yet. I’m still working on a way to to zip them all up for you.
Lastly, I learned this week that Zazzle has opened a website and distribution center in the UK. I’ve gotten countless emails from European visitors who are interested in my prints, calendars, etc but were turned off by the hefty shipping fees that Zazzle (US) was charging.
This should help bring the shipping fees under control as long as you place your order through the UK store. My collection on Zazzle (UK) can be found here, while North American users can browse the collection here.
Posted on December 4, 2008
Someone in the comments thread for “At World’s Edge” mentioned that the autumn scene was nice but that a winter one would make a nicer wallpaper since the snow was already falling in a lot of places. Believe it or not I planned for that this time and made sure that my tree branches were all connected to the trunk.
The winter version of “At World’s Edge” is now up for you to check out. I hope you like it!
Posted on December 1, 2008