Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on May 29, 2004

  • Yesterday I asked which version of “Pantheon” was preferable. The results have been nearly unanimous: The image looks better without the foreground moon. I’ve decided, therefore, to feature the second version in my gallery and keep the first in the Pickle Jar. Thanks for the feedback everyone!

    I’ve added a dual-screen version of “Pantheon” this morning. For the dual-screen, I decided that I prefer the foreground moonscape (in a slightly different composition) so I will be featuring that version. A second version without it is also available.

  • I saw this yesterday. I don’t run a dual-monitor system so it was cool to see what my wallpapers look like “in action”.

Posted on May 28, 2004

  • Some of you asked that I create a version of “Pantheon” without the foreground moon surface. No problem. I’ve posted it in the Pickle Jar. Which you do prefer?. I’ve also posted widescreen renders of both. Dual-screens to come shortly.
  • I’ve finally gotten around to organizing the 2004 images into their own galleries.

Posted on May 24, 2004

  • The last couple of weeks I’ve received a flurry of requests for more planetary images. Of course, I am all too happy to oblige. My latest planetscape, “Pantheon“, is now up for your review. I hope you like it!

Posted on May 18, 2004

  • I’ve posted a dual-screen version of “Sigil”. Sorry for the wait.
  • Ian turns nine months old tomorrow. He’s crawling around now and pulling himself up to a standing position. He can even take a few steps on his own. Anyway, I thought this would be a good time to post another photo so you all could see how he’s grown. Yes, I am a proud Dad.

Posted on May 14, 2004