Skygate (Autumn)


SKU: skygateautumn1 Category: Tags: , ,


Sometimes my “seasonal variations” are afterthoughts, but I created “Skygate (Spring)” with the intention of rendering one or two (maybe three) different seasonal versions down the road. I’ve added the “Autumn” installment to the gallery today. The sun angle is a bit lower, the clouds a bit darker, and I’ve added some seasonal flora (including a new thistle model that I created in TPF) to the foreground.

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29 reviews for Skygate (Autumn)

  1. Kevin [lifer]

    The lighting and interesting clouds in the background really pull my imagination over the ridge in this one. I gots ta know what’s over there! Well done.

  2. James Seymour [basicmember]

    colorful and nice

  3. Nixellos [nonmonthly]

    I am using this with a dual screen setup that has mismatched sizes so it is hard for me to find nice backgrounds. But this is the most beautiful one I have seen in a long time. 10/10

  4. Susan [nonmonthly]


  5. Angelique [lifer]

    Beautifully done! I particularly like the flowers in the foreground. The clouds are looking beautiful too and I love the color in the tree’s foliage 🙂

  6. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    Another AWESOME Landscape Render, I love the colours, very peaceful, Great job Ryan

  7. lilylavender [basicmember]

    So love this one! Soft, muted Fallscape with lovely autumn flowers, also! Thank you, Ryan for another beauty!

  8. cobalt [lifer]

    I really like the depth of field provided by the clouded valley, it’s an excellent vantage point for a hunter or a recce

  9. Nario [basicmember]

    A garden of flowers with an expansive view to go! Well done!

  10. Kelton [nonmonthly]

    Another great autumn image! Nicely done!!

  11. Camille [plusmember]

    Great job, Ryan! So nice to add this one to my autumn group. The purple & gold flowers are what you see this time of year – goldenrod & wild aster. Thistles are nice, too. And the muted lighting.

  12. Jenanne [liferplus]

    Ahhh, autumn! My favorite season, and my favorite collection of DB wallpaper. This work of art will make a terrific addition to my fall computer décor.

  13. Steve [nonmonthly]

    Beautiful work! But I cannot find the split screen versions you normally post with your dual screen versions. Are you still doing dual monitor versions?

  14. mitymous [lifer]

    Just love the light and mood in this; autumn is such a beautiful season, and this captures its essence.

  15. Andrew [lifer]

    Wow! You got the autumn lighting exactly right. It’s perfect. It feels just like that mid to late autumn day when the sunlight feels eerie. Halloween ahead!

  16. Joshua [liferplus]

    I so enjoy it when you take an original and make variations on it. A beautiful rendering with lots of fun fall colors.

  17. Carysta [liferplus]

    I love autumn and I’m so excited to see one of my favourite scenes with a fall motif. The cloudy edge always makes me think of the scene where Edmund and Jill are at the edge of the cliff in Aslan’s country in the book The Silver Chair. 🙂

  18. Ryan

    Maybe in a month or two 🙂

  19. Mark A. [liferplus]

    when can we expect a winter version?


  20. Littlemom [liferplus]

    This looks great as an Autumn Render!!!

  21. BobC [lifer]

    This was always a nice scene, but the lighting, colors, and clouds make this rendering particularly attractive. I can picture myself sitting here with my friends and our tents pitched behind us. Paradise.

  22. Ryan

    You can order a print here 🙂

  23. Ryan

    That’s awesome! I modeled the goldenrods myself so I must have done it right if they are recognizable to a 3 year old… Modeling goldenrod A post shared by Ryan Bliss (@dblasphemy) on Aug 30, 2017 at 8:19am PDT

  24. cajagger [basicmember]

    My 3 year old son loves to look at your work together. when this popped up he yelled out “Look! Goldenrod!” He’s been learning about flowers in our area and was so proud that he saw them. Thank you for making my boy so excited!

  25. Justin [basicmember]

    No, seriously….

  26. Saranna [liferplus]

    The hint of summer colours winding down, the mists of fall clouds and the feel of the bite in the air as winter beckons from the distance…..lovely

  27. Richard H. [liferplus]

    Love the colour and lighting in this one, the autumnal mistiness, the looking down on clouds… one of my favourites from the recent batch.

  28. Mark A. [liferplus]

    Ryan, I know I say this on so many of your seasonal works but this one is typical of the reason I subscribed in the first place. I just love your seasonal/nature works. Keep up the good work.

  29. Drew [nonmonthly]

    Absolutely stunning work. I love DB and this is an all-timer, imho!

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